1 Would you like to replace all existing objects? 3 Are you sure you want to delete the selected object(s) from quarantine? 5 All files (*.*)|*.*|| 6 Object was successfully sent to $#SPECIALSHORTNAME$. 7 Sending object failed. 8 Are you sure you want to send this object to $#SPECIALSHORTNAME$? 9 Restoring object '%s' failed. ErrCode: %d.\n\nWould you like to abort this operation for the further objects? 10 Suspicious file 11 The SMTP settings are invalid or weren't set until now.\n\nWould you like to change these settings now? 12 Restoring object '%s' failed. 13 The following object is already present:\n%s.\n\nWould you like to replace the existing object? 14 Would you like to delete all selected objects? 15 Name,80;Value,210; 16 Filename: 17 Quarantine object: 18 Status: 19 Sent to $#SPECIALSHORTNAME$: 20 Operating System: 21 Search engine: 22 Virus definition file: 23 Detection: 24 Windows 9x 25 Windows NT/2000/XP Workstation 26 Windows NT/2000/XP Server 27 Unknown operating system 28 29 30 YES 31 NO 32 ,33|4;Object type,66|73;Restored,58|59;Sent,35|29;Detection,120|61;Date/Time,105|66;Engine,65|45;VDF,69|26;Source,585|45 33 Number of rescanned objects: %d 34 Computer name 35 Username 36 Restored: 37 Sending object failed. \n\nReceived error message from the smtp server:\n%s 38 Destination folder is not present. Should it be created? 39 Date/Time: 40 One or more objects are viruses or unwanted programs.\nAre you sure you want to restore this/these object(s)? 41 42 Filename:\n%s 43 &Quarantine 44 Detected objects: 45 Suspicious objects: 46 Cleaned objects: 47 Description,227|90;Before,65|42;After,68|46; 48 File 49 Email 50 Sender of the mail:\n%s 14002 Send suspicious object(s) to $#SPECIALSHORTNAME$ 14003 Please confirm sending the email to $#SPECIALSHORTNAME$.\nNote: Size of the email: %s. 14012 Please enter a subject and a body text. 14013 Result of the rescan 14014 Statistic over the rescanned objects. 14015 Rescan statistic 32789 Rescan selected object(s) 32790 Restore selected object(s) 32791 Delete selected object(s) from quarantine 32792 Send selected object 32793 Restore selected object to ... 32794 Display properties of selected object 32795 Add suspicious file to quarantine 32796 %s in quarantine 32797 No message received.